Did You Know?

Often employees who were caught stealing cited their reason for committing theft as pressure, incentive, and access.

Door Access Systems

Door access systems ensure that building access is only granted to the proper individuals.

Employees can be granted access to only the doors they need at the times they need them using a predefined set of access rules. Since entry is digitally assigned, there are no longer concerns about copying and passing out physical keys. Concerns over retrieving a key from a former employee are gone too. Simply remove them from the access control software, and they are locked out for good.

In addition to creating a more secure environment, door access systems give you a bird’s eye view of what is going on in your building. Access logs show every time a door is unlocked and by who. Some card readers are also equipped with cameras so you can see a photo or short video of the person unlocking the door. This feature allows you to verify that the wrong individual did not improperly use an access card.

Access systems are compatible with electric bolt locks, magnetic locks, and electric strikes. Unlocking methods include NFC compatible access card, PIN code, and mobile unlock.

Features Include

  • Detailed Policy Setting
  • Access Logging
  • NFC Compatible
  • Mobile Unlock
  • PIN Code
  • Electric Bolt Lock Compatible
  • Magnetic Lock Compatible
  • Electric Strike Compatible

Contact Us Today!

Pros There provides door access system installation, maintenance, and training. Get started today by scheduling a free, no obligation site survey. One of our qualified technicians will provide a detailed report specific to your needs.